College alumni associations all have their own unique college reunion jokes or idiosyncrasies. These are often reflected in the college reunion themes that they come up with. Some might want to stick to college reunion themes which help define where they came from. Some college alumni websites will reflect this desire, even though there were not a lot of college websites back in the days when the current generations of alumni were still in school.
Some college reunion themes can include college reunion invitations which reflect this fact, if they use stationary which is old fashioned or feels, in some way, retro 1960s. These are the interesting themes for people who are interested in making their high school class seem unique.
Another way to harken back to the old days with college reunion themes is to hire a band that can play popular songs from the era. People who know popular songs from the 60s or 80s might not be easy to find. But they are not always as difficult as people realize. It is for this reason that college reunion themes can be difficult to come up with, but are always a good idea and can make an experience so much more enjoyable.
Of course, this is not the only way for colleges to come up with college reunion themes. Some might not want to get back to the past as much as they might want to reflect their future. This is how college reunion themes can be successful. They can be extremely contemporary and include people from many different years at the college. Colleges like these types of reunions because they are good for development and fundraising.
There are many ways to celebrate a return to a campus. College reunion themes encompass all kinds of activities and these can be fun for people of just about any generation, whether they graduated five years ago or fifty.