Have you been in charge with planning your college’s reunion? If so, this is a very exciting time for you. You obviously were pretty invested in your alma mater even when you attended the school and even now as a member of the college alumni association, and now your opportunity is in front of you to impress the college with having a great turnout at your reunion and with having a nice aesthetic to tie everything in well together. And a lot of the time, that aesthetic starts with the college reunion invitation.
A college reunion invitation needs to say everything about the event in question, and it has to appeal to everyone. This is a hard task for some, but with some help and some careful planning on the process the best college alumni outcomes can be experienced via the college reunion invitation you send out. Here are some helpful things to think about as you both plan the event itself and as you figure out what the actual college reunion invitation will look like.
First, visiting college alumni websites helps, since lots of alumni associations are very active online and many post their own invitations of their respective reunions. You can browse these other sites both for invitation ideas and for college reunion jokes and other cool ideas to both bring together the event and to make the invitations stand out. You will not necessarily be copying other alumni associations by taking from what they do. They should consider it a compliment.
Second, talking with your fellow alumni members about ideas can pool all of your experiences and your resources together to create the perfect college reunion invitation. Everyone will have their own opinions about how everything should look, but more ideas equals more creativity too. Let others share in your development of the college reunion invitation so they will feel like they are part of something and so that you will have more chances to create the ideal invitation that will get recognition by your fellow past classmates.
Third, visiting social media sites to post the college reunion invitation once it has been completed is crucial. Most people today will reconnect with their friends and past college friends via social media, and posting the college reunion invitation here after creating an alumni association page makes sense. It will all but ensure, in fact, a better turnout for your reunion.