Did you know that, on average, 20% to 30% of your graduating class will come back for a reunion? This statistic will vary from reunion to reunion, though. 50th reunions are statistically the most popular, followed by the 10th and 25th.
If you are planning a college reunion, the details can seem overwhelming. It might have all the planning of a wedding, without the payoff of being the center of attention. Reunions, though, are how we keep in touch with people from our past and see how far everyone has come. If you are part of a college alumni association planning your next event, then here are three tips that might come in handy.
1. College Reunion Themes
One way a lot of planners make celebrations easier is by arranging the event around a theme. Tropical island themes are always popular, and the decorating materials and props are easy to find in local party stores. For people more interested in remembering the past, you can do a “Then and Now” theme, or have a theme crafted around a popular movie during your college days. Remember, no one is coming to a reunion with lofty expectations. They expect food and fun, and mentions of accomplished classmates.
2. Getting the Numbers
Encouraging people to attend, and then actually knowing how many will, can often be a hassle. Most people, especially now with Facebook, are in communication with other members of their class, which will make it easier to plan events. Something that will really help you out, though, is college alumni websites. You can not only easily, quickly, and cheaply poll potential participants about what they want to see, but you will also be giving them an easy place to find information about the reunion itself. When you send out college reunion invitations, give options for RSVP by email and texting.
3. Picking a Venue
One important aspect of reunion planning is picking a venue for everything to happen in. Remember that venue correlates to cost, and people are generally more willing to pay for later reunions than earlier ones. An outdoor BBQ or rented pizza restaurant are two ideas for lower budget options. Another option, especially for younger reunions, is a rented club. Alumni will enter before the club opens, having time to themselves; you then have the option to stay later once the club opens its doors to let others in.
Do you have ideas for college reunion themes?