Is it time for your college reunion? You will surely walk away with several college reunion jokes from the experience, but you do not want to be the punchline. College reunions are a the perfect place to relive your old times with college alumni.
Your college alumni association will inevitably be sending a college reunion invitation in the mail. To improve your chances for enjoyment and not becoming the butt of multiple college reunion jokes, follow a few simple rules.
The biggest thing to remember is that it is not a competition when you finally reconnect with your former classmates. There will some people that have become far more successful than anyone ever would have predicted, and could be college reunion jokes themselves, and there will be some people that are just eking out a living. Regardless of where everyone fits on the “success” spectrum, you will enjoy everyones company far more if you avoid categorizing or competing with others success.
We all that it can be hard not to forget some of the mistakes or less than stellar choices we made in the past. These stories are likely to come through as some of the more forgettable college reunion jokes, but do not be discouraged. Embrace the funny stories that will be told and relive how you tackled life in the past. It may be humbling to return to a college reunion and you will probably be remembered in a good light if you do not get bent out of shape about past stories.
Another way to avoid becoming a player in recurring college reunion jokes is to avoid awkward “liasons”. Everyone probably comes to their reunion with the hope of checking up on a former love or interest. While it is perfectly fine to catch up and reacquaint yourselves, but make sure you are not overdoing it. This is especially true if you attend with a spouse. Make sure you are respectful of their feelings, especially since they may not be familiar with your former classmates.