You might be working 40 plus-hour weeks to support for children. You might not know how to find a daycare for them. You might have no clue about what education is best for them. These are the problems that plague you when you are raising children alone. But remember: You always have options, even when you think the world has turned its back on you. Here are four quick avenues toward help:
1. The problem
Studies from 2001 show that half of all children were then in non-parent daycare arrangements by the time they reached nine months old. Even if these children stay with one parent, that leaves the parent the heavy responsibility of raising children alone, unaided and without much support. Luckily, there are a few childcare facilities that aim to ease the burden on single parents and children.
2. The privacy
Numbers from the following year, 2002, show approximately 38 percent of children under the age of 3, who had working mothers, in daycare centers. However, these children spent over 35 hours in the daycare center each week, which is quite a lot of time away from the parent. What other options are available for those who are coping with raising children alone?
3. The preschool
Developing lifelong learning skills must start early. Preschool is a way for young children to engage in activities designed to help boost the development of their math and reading skills. Finding childcare can be grueling, and finding the right school can be worse. But if you are raising children alone, you might even be entitled to a little help from the government.
4. The provisions
In certain cases, a parent who places his or her children in a daycare or other childcare facilities can receive some financial help from the United States government. This aid will vary from circumstance to circumstance. However, as you know as a parents raising children alone, every little bit helps. References.